Validitas Atlas Anatomi Tumbuhan Model 4D Untuk SMA Kelas XI
(Validity of 4D Model Plant Anatomy Atlas for Senior High School Grade XI)
Validity, atlas, plant anatomyAbstract
Learning resources have an important role in learning process, because they can improve the quality of learning and improve student learning outcomes. Based on the interview, information was obtained that students use textbooks provided by the school in the Biology learning process, Plant Structure and Tissue material. The results of the textbook analysis found several weaknesses, namely that the comparative images of the anatomical structure of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous roots were still black and white and images for each layer of the root structure had not been presented. Therefore, teaching materials are needed that are able to bridge these problems. One alternative teaching material that can be developed is an atlas. The aim of this research is to produce a valid Plant Anatomy Atlas for senior high school. This research is a development research using a 4D model. This research is limited to the development stage, namely to determine the validity of the developed atlas. The instrument used was the atlas validity analysis questionnaire. Data analysis techniques using percentage formulas. The results of the study showed that the validity value of the atlas was 90.79% with very valid criteria. It can be concluded that the Atlas of Plant Anatomy for high schools that was developed is valid.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Aulia Afza, Mulyati, Susi Delfia (Author)

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